Chock full of personality. I absolutely love the graphics and humor of the game. That being said, the included mini games are fare less inspired than Warioware, a game this is often compared to (even though they have very different premises). With the current price tag (as of this writing) and how hard to find it is, it’s tough to recommend you go out and buy it. If you are really into the Neo Geo PC or obscure import titles pick it up, maybe. Would definitely categorize this under interesting though.

A peculiar novelty item but alas, as the title suggests it’s only a re-skinned Balloon Fight.

A decidedly different direction to go in but, I happen to like it. Rosey Rupeeland still retained some mainline Zelda elements, this on the other hand is coasting on the likability of Tingle. As an American I never found any issue with him although, the character model for Majora’s mask is admittedly creepy. This entry does share the same tone and art direction as Rupeeland. So, if you liked those aspects and/or enjoy irreverent Japanese humor, seek this one out.

Animal Crossing, much like Pokémon is one of those IPs that has settled down like a spouse that no longer needs to go to the gym or dress up for their significant other. At this point public understands the core mechanics and it has its loyal fans. Because of that, (speaking only as the player) a whole new entry isn’t really necessary. I understand trying to sell a new console and full price game. There’s also a brand new town/island, but nothing truly revolutionary. The improvements are minor and gradual and in fact, New Leaf has a lot more to do. Fingers crossed, I’m holding out for some complete overhaul like “Welcome Amiibo”. My gripes aside, it was an enjoyable experience. It doesn’t have any mini games and less shops but the town/island living mechanic has not regressed at all. All in all it came at the right place right time for a lot of people

Where to begin... This game is vastly interesting. It is a peculiar companion to American films such as The Matrix, Fight Club, and Office Space (all released the year prior) that exhibit the post Cold War, pre 9/11 existential, anti-authoritarianism angst most common in the states. Amazingly, I can say this game is dated not so much because of the literal technology but because of the themes and the way it is stylized. Like it’s other cel shaded brethren, playing on the original hardware it has aged incredibly well, the gameplay leaves something to be desired through. It suffers from the same thing that plagues many Dreamcast games: a poor camera. That the OEM controller lacks a second analog stick is a detriment to the console (IMO it’s the only one). The game would also benefit from a map while playing instead of having to toggle back and forth from the pause screen. For me, those are minor issues that don’t completely hinder the whole experience. Okami is purported to be an example of “video games as art” but THIS is more deserving of that title. The stylization is light years more interesting than Okami.