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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 7, 2022

First played

July 5, 2021

Platforms Played


Freedom Planet is fun... after you've already played through it. Everyone knows the deal with the story; while I think it's a little bit overhated, it definitely was written by an edgy middle schooler who watched way too much My Little Pony, so I'm not gonna defend it further. The bigger issue is the poor combat: many scenarios in the game feel like needless enemy spam, enemies that can drain your health in 2 seconds, or both at the same time. Hell, there's even a moment where explicit enemy spam happens with the bulkiest mooks in the game. It's not good. The bosses aren't much better-- a lot of them are pretty unfair and don't have proper indication on their attacks. You will die a few times to shit you could not have seen coming. Even when you've already figured that out, they're not super interesting any other time either. It feels like the devs were inspired by Treasure games and left out the part that makes them fun.

Otherwise, though, it's a pretty solid speed platformer with occasionally notable theming (check out Fortune Night), on point level design, and two characters with rather high skill ceilings and movement depth, and also Carol. Those alone makes the game worth trying... and honestly, they're really the only main draw to it, too.

If you like Genesis' platformer roster, check it out, but don't expect a masterpiece or even something you'll like much at all.