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1 day

Last played

January 9, 2021

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Mischief Makers is an interesting game. Though I do think it is overrated, there are things it gets very right, mainly the puzzles and boss battles, and Treasure has always been very good at the latter. A lot of the puzzles in this game were satisfying to solve and weren't things you couldn't reasonably figure out, and the boss fights, at least earlier on, are just Treasure in their element. However, by the time you get to the end of the game, Mischief Makers starts falling apart. Merco onwards the bosses start becoming either boring or poorly designed, and the game as a whole is stuffed with filler-- a lot of the levels just feel empty and like they were unfinished (which this game allegedly is). The graphics also have not aged well, even for a N64 game. Often times it can look pretty ugly. Otherwise though, the game is a hamfisted little parody of Japanese tropes and a good puzzle platformer. Check it out, but don't expect the best game ever like many claim it to be.