I could write this more eloquently but i think i will just copy the shit i wrote in discord when i finished it. It cant handle the cast size, it doesnt know what it wants to be, the character development beam only hits certain characters while completely avoiding others, the plot was lacking direction and then at the end we get answers for weird questions i forgot i even had cause i was too busy being mad at how absolutely stupid the gnome memoey erasure masks are, humanity being the cause of everything should have been the focus instead of literally talked about 2 times and brushed over very quickly, prologue to the beginning of act 2 is some of the best cold steel has to offer and then act 2 is some of the worst cold steel has to offer, why is some of the best character writing in this entire arc delegated to bonding events why cant you write that in. They needed to have actual stakes and have their rules actually fucking matter, and you can fucking tell they planned to kill off or shelf some of the cast but idfk man they were going for with this its like theyre trying to appeal to a certain demographic by being like we have all these characters you can choose who to play, but its like they cant properly write scenes because they are accounting for everyones diffferent party makeup. FOR THE RECORD I LIKE A GOOD CHUNK OF THIS CAST BUT LIKE they are written like this is a tokusatsu for 8 year olds im losing my mind man. IF there was no act 2 and no cast bloat(as in they at least focus on a certain amount of characters and have like old class 7 do other shit) then this would prolly be my fav cold steel game. Why does everyone say nothing theres so much said that isnt anything, the side quests in this game however are some of the best in the series and at the very least the best cold steel has to offer. The atmosphere , the NPC's, the sidequests, a good chunk of the tracks, a lot of the bonding event scenes are the best part of the game and imo this game is the trails game to do the first 3 the best, but man if only the could actually write the main fucking scenario without copy and pasting the same paragraph 4 times. Also sucks that sometimes they can write the old cast well and then sometimes they fucking treat the old cast as hollow fucking call back fan service material. Anyways, sky through cs2 are some of my fav games ever, and i even enjoyed cold steel 3 quite a bit, and I LIKED A LOT OF WHAT THIS GAME HAS AND WHAT IT ADDED TO ZEMURIA but man this game just spent all of my goodwill sky-azure built up and i really hope falcom remembers they can fucking write cause ive seen em do it, dont know why theyre hellbent on writing like this but anyways. Crow altina juna 4 life, i am praying they can somehow salvage this shit in reverie but it would take a lot to pull this off, and im sayin this shit as a fan of cold steel 2, just so you know I really wanted to see the full potential of this arc realized.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2024
