Toree 2 is the follow up to Toree 3D, a 3D platformer with only a handful of stages that had a strong emphasis on speedrunning stages. Toree 2 feels like an expansion on the first game, offering even more stages to explore and speed through, as well as secrets to find and hidden surprises.

I played this on PC via, which did not like the idea of me using a controller for some reason. No matter how I tried to configure it, it just wouldn't work. I wound up settling for using keyboard and mouse controls. While they weren't ideal for this kind of game, they got the job done and I still had a fun time regardless.

Toree 2 feels good to control, and while you can beat it in under an hour, you'll definitely want to go back to improve your times and find secrets to unlock other characters. Plus, this game is super cheap. It's 1 dollar on and Steam and is honestly worth more than that.

If you're looking for a short inexpensive platformer that plays great and gives you plenty of goals to achieve, look no further than Toree 2!

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024
