This game is rough but I can't help but be charmed by the production value put into this game. The world is on the generic side by today's standards but areas and some characters are pretty cool. This era of Bioware was really feeling themselves with the bloom effect, the fucked up combat and trying to shove as many white people doing Asian accents as possible.

The combat is really...something. If you play fighting games you'll know when to block and dodge and smack people up. Fights hardly ever change in dynamic so it kind of just becomes this limp experience in between soaking up lore and environments. Just shove all your points into Thousand Cuts and then melt everyone.

To not sound like a complete asshole who hates fun, check out this ol easter egg I do every time I replay the game where the gods explode the gambling den guy if you save scum the gambling section

Reviewed on May 27, 2023
