Great characters, mid worldbuilding
big loss of potential because the developers love milking the series instead of making a worthy sequel

Reviewed on May 24, 2023


11 months ago

I agree for the loss of potential but at least Extra2 was amazing

11 months ago

I didn't read extra2 but I'm seeing great reviews of it. Nice.

11 months ago

It's a must-read if you enjoyed Misaki route, it's a sequel of her route, it doesn't expand the worldbuilding but it gives a lot of development to Misaki/Masaya, and even to the side characters. It has all the strengths of Aokana but upgraded, with the sport being the main aspect even more

11 months ago

Can you elaborate on the worldbuilding complaint?

11 months ago

I read it in 2019 so I won't be able to delve deeper

sprite presented an unique and ambitious universe, with a sport that nobody had thought of before. It brought captivating and well-written characters, but the worldbuilding of the sport boils down to a high school regional championship. They still try to tell us about the "international championship" or these things bla bla in europe, but it's superficial and the story ends with the conclusion of the development of the characters, without any importance to building the career or/and the sport itself.

If it were me, I would've at least created a duology or trilogy for the series that would conclude and explore all of that sport and the triumph of the characters instead of stopping at a regional championship with a somewhat open ending