
Surprisingly, this was the first Ace Attorney game I ever played. Picking up the DS copy as a kid meant that I didn't read the subtitle as a sequel, but just thought this was the first game in the series. Imagine my confusion going into case 2 of this game.

This is a weird entry in the trilogy because it has a lot of lows, but one of the best high points in the OT.

The introductory/tutorial case is about as goofy as it can get. The other tutorial cases in the OT have that air of mystery and beginnings to them. This one has... Amnesia and Bananas. Turnabout Big Top is kind of in its own little closed off world, but it has a very meh buildup and ending. I wanted to be more lenient to it nowadays, since it's been a while, but it just comes and goes and character motivations/actions are not really believable.

Now, the second case is actually a lot better than the previous two I've mentioned. It builds up the lore of the world, and introduces everyone's favorite little sister character: Nanako. Oh, wrong franchise. I mean, Pearl. Pearl is great. I love her so much and I want to see her smile. The case has a lot of mystery to it and introduces some great new mechanics (first instance of the Psyche-Lock system.) I feel like this one is on par with The Steel Samurai case from AA1. I still have a problem with the plothole of Maya's fingerprints not being followed up on, but whatever.

But then we get to my biggest surprise upon replaying the game: The final case.

This is, without a doubt, still one of the most hype cases in the franchise. I consider this one even better than the already stellar DL-6 case and Return to The Ashes from AA1. Everything works so well, from all the cast being used to their full capacity, to the stakes, to the twists and revelations along the way. This feels like a perfect case. Probably one of the best, if not -the- best in the trilogy.

Would give it 4 stars, due to the fun second case and the fantastic finale... But you're gonna have to pass the Berry Big Circus and a Banana Glove in order to get there.

Case 4 > Case 2 > Case 3 > Case 1

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023
