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Very solid classic 3D platformer, but not without it's flaws. In terms of this remaster, a lot of elements are added to make it more accessible and easier, such as a flutter jump, reworked bosses, and other QOL improvements. I think they did an amazing job making it more accessible to new players. All of the levels are vibrant and unique in aesthetic, and the new level themes help to diversify the game's aesthetics as a whole. However I think what will make or break the game is how progression is held is completing different objectives to get 100%. A lot of the time you'll need to backtrack and find different objects and doors, which makes it very tedious and harms momentum. Additionally this is not helped by the lack of movement from the camera, making it hard to see certain objects from a distance. Some design quirks from the original game, keeping in tradition with archiac design in 90's platformers, are also retained giving a bit of age to the game. As a minor side, the cutscenes are nowhere near as fun and expressive as the original game, and certain characters are changed around due to legal issues. While not a detriment it was certainly distracting. All-in-all though this is a pretty solid time and for anyone who just wants a fun platformer you can kill a little time with, I'd say go for it.