Pretty cool. I really appreciated that this DLC started to give you some more verbs as a player than just killing enemies - some light physics-based puzzling, breaking stuff for exploration - I think that sort of thing would really help break up what can start to feel like pretty tedious combat. I really liked the altered item side quests here for the same reason. I liked the move away from the office building for this DLC too - the more organic (yet alien) setting was beautiful.

I appreciated the new enemies but they were still too few to really improve the variety problems from the base game, and the slightly inflated health pools here just made the frequent combat feel more tedious (not difficult - it was very easy to not die in encounters at this point but they took long enough to wear me out). I also feel like this was a somewhat missed opportunity to expand or illuminate the base game narratively - this felt like a side step rather than an explanation or a sequel-setup. Not as compelling as the other DLC.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2023
