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I know ARR's base game gets a lot of flack in the community for being the worst expansion but it's honestly not. The story is a slow burn and without it building the bases of the other expansions they would not hit as hard or be as meaningful (especially at the beginning of Heavensward after the banquet).

I actually like the story and miss it and the amazing music. I will say, it's rated lower because despite the upgrades and overhauls of earlier content for the base game it still can be tedious af. The never improved the beast tribe progression to match the other expansions and if I'm being honest? It's hell that does not respect your time or patience. A lot of ARR's gameplay systems which the team has not fixed is what holds it back. I know missions have been moved around, altered or outright cut over the years and in more recent years but it doesn't solve a lot of gameplay issues still there.

The MSQ is fine, very serviceable. Probably more so with more options to play through it like with the duty feature. Basing it on my experience way back, it was tough. Tough but totally worth it, even more so now that the devs are slowly upgrading ARR's progression of content. Not making excuses for it though.

I'll never recommend anyone coming into FFXIV to skip any expansions no matter what other say. Every bit of story builds on each other and skipping shit means you're setting yourself up for being confused later. I will say that if ARR doesn't catch you it get better but that is up to you. If the story is not a big deal to you (just playing to play content/with friends/whatever) it is 100% skippable but if the story matters to you then it'll make the good stuff even better. It's worth it.

Note: I started ARR on PS3 up until the end of the base game then switched to PC for post mission ARR and up if that adds any perspective.

Reviewed on Jun 18, 2023
