Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games so this may be a little biased, but this game is amazing. It is truly a perfect sequel, it takes everything the first game did and heavily improves upon it in every conceivable way. writing this i truly don't know where to start, so i may as well kick it off with the graphics.

The stylized cell shaded graphics is something I've always loved about Borderlands, even when I first played it as a kid. I think the fact that the game is so stylized is the reason the game has aged so well graphically. I'm a huge fan of all the new environments they bring in with Borderlands 2, as I think that was one of the things the first game really lacked. it turns Pandora from a boring palette of browns and greys, to a world filled with colour. It really gives the planet a lot of character, and of course the original bleak and barren wastelands are still there, but often with a little something sprinkled on top.

I never really play a Borderlands game for its story, but Borderlands 2 actually has a pretty good one that is largely carried by its main antagonist Handsome Jack. I love the first time Jack talks to us on the echo and you understand immediately that he doesn't really take us seriously, taunting us and showing just how narcissistic he really is. Slowly throughout the story as the vault hunters continuously exceed Jack’s expectations and get on his nerves more and more, He starts to threaten you. No more jokes, no more taunting, just the pure hatred he has for the player character. I think the fact that Jack is an antagonist that is there from the very start of the story and continuously pops up, and commands your attention is brilliant. Especially compared to the first game where our main antagonist doesn't show up till the halfway mark and even then they never really feel imposing. Jack always feels imposing, this in part is due to the phenomenal voice performance from Dameon Clarke, who really brings this character to life.

Even though Jack is the best part of the story there is still a lot to like here. You have a large cast of likable NPC’s, some who return form the first game and a lot of new ones, who fit perfectly in this world. Bringing the vault hunters back from the first game and giving them a real sense of importance was a really nice touch, and giving them some actual character was an absolute treat.

Even though the game is 12 years old the gameplay loop is still ridiculously addictive. Shooting my way through enemies constantly switching up my loadout as I get new loot is stupidly satisfying . Not every gun feels unique but the system built does a good job of giving you a lot of guns that are memorable and fun to use. Even if you have horrible luck and get a bunch of loot that doesn't fit your build or playstyle, a good chunk of the missions have weapons that are actually pretty good and will get you through until you find something better.

Borderlands 2 is a wonderfully fun time even 12 years later. I’m happy that even after returning to the game after so long, that it still holds up and is just as fun as I remember.
I can proudly say Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
