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Valkebab completed Peglin
I have been playing this game nonstop for a week and it still never gets old. It is bonkers how Red Nexus turned Peggle, an already perfect game into a roguelite dungeon-crawler and made it even better! And the game hasn't even hit 1.0 yet!

The game is just as addictive as Peggle but with each playthrough being wildly unique. All the enemies, orbs, and random events are also so very creative and unique. Since the game is still Peggle at its core, the mechanics are pretty easy to learn but hard to master. Even if a large majority of the game is luck-based, there is still a lot of strategy in deck building and traversal so each loss doesn't feel completely unfair.

TL;DR: buy the peg game or I will peg you.

Thank you NoodleGaming for this juicy indie game recommendation

9 days ago

Valkebab reviewed A Short Hike
Absolutely flawless. Some of the best gameplay and progression I have seen ever. The fixed camera seemed like a detriment to an otherwise open game at first, but as you immerse yourself, you develop a mental map of the whole island, which makes new discoveries feel even better. I 100% the game day one and I don't think a single minute went by without a smile on my face.

In short, buy the game. It costs less than a movie ticket and is over before you know it.

Thank you funny cartoon man for recommending me bird game

9 days ago

Valkebab is now playing Peglin

9 days ago

Valkebab completed Peglin

9 days ago

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