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This game had probably the most interesting story a Tales game has had in YEARS and they just.... threw it away.

I played this game every single day from it's launch until its closure, and I really lament what they did to it. It was a good game... I really liked the mechanics of the battles and the story of the main quest was interesting enough to have me actually anticipating the release of each bit of it every month or so.

If anything, this whole thing should have been a mainline title (without the things that made it a mobile game like arenas and raids and gatcha mechanics, that is).

I adored whatever blorbos I could manage to summon with the gatcha mechanic, and I really liked the special/seasonal units they would release (except apparently they were rehashed from another Tales mobile game? sheesh talk about low-effort).

The game chugged nuts, though. Even on its lowest resolution. I remember getting kicked from raids a lot. The arena was pretty broken, but hey I was kinda proud that I managed to consistently stay in the top 10 (I gotta brag about this somewhere, right? right.)

It would be a miracle if BamCo managed to re-release this game as just the story someday, but.... considering how poorly they manage the Tales series lately it probably won't ever happen.