When this was first announced, i Completely geeked out. I was working and listening to the direct while doing stocking, and I audibly gasped and celebrated the entire day. Months later it was finally released, and it took me to a time as a kid, of me playing these maps, battling the same monsters, and enjoying the game that i would most consider my ultimate childhood game.

First off, this is a VERY easy game. If you are familiar with RPGs, you will be very comfortable with this, and it'll be a complete cake walk. Not that it's not enjoyable at the same time, because the world is colorful and fun to play around with, and the battle system is top tier, in my opinion. Every party member has a role and they play them perfectly, and each have their own set of weapons that change how you do the timed attacks, and I love this about RPG. The simple changes that this version has has alot of milage to it, as now you can switch your party member in the middle of battle, and now you have trio attacks. those two simple changes make the game both feel easier but more fun to mess around with.

The music, my lord the music! It's one of the best soundtracks you can have in any game, in my opinion. From the overworld music, the basic battle music, and the boss battles, every melody has a certain kind of bop that i feel RPG can only do, it fits like a glove for what this game is!

The other addition this game has is post game content. Now you are able to have rematches with some of the bosses you met during your journey. Some of these can actually be difficult, and they come off more like a puzzle game, sorta reminds me of some of the bosses in Final Fantasy X. Big compliments to that!

At the end of the day, this is what I call comfort food. It's a super easy experience that feel great to play, and great and fun writing and an interesting setting. It's a must play if you enjoyed the other Mario rpgs that occurred after this. I'm happy that this is readily available for everyone to see, what a great game!

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
