Memory Lane time!

When I was a much younger Goddess, I ended up getting in serious trouble, they took my TV, SNES and N64 away and my Gameboy for doing a bad in school. A couple months later, it was Halloween. I was dressed as a Power Ranger, walking to house to house to get that good ol' candy (back when Halloween was a huge event and get candy by the pound, lol).
I got to a certain house and the couple came out and said that I was the 100th trick or treater, and they gave me a box in my bag. What was it that they gave me? It was the Special Pikachu Edition Gameboy with Pokemon Yellow. That system was awesome, being blue and yellow and having a Pikachu graphic on the corners of the screen. It's one of the more fond memories I have of my childhood.
With that being said, reviewing Yellow ends up with me being a little nostalgic for it. It's basically Pokemon Blue but with some elements of the Anime. Your starter being Pikachu was, for me, awesome. He followed you around and you can even check how he feels, and he talks in this! And Team Rocket's Jessie and James were also in this game, and i loved that as well. Other than that it's that classic Pokemon game that you know and love.
Gameplay is still solid but very basic in the modern times. The difficulty could range here and there but as long as yo fight every trainer you come across it shouldn't be too hard. The music will always be the major highlight here, some of the best video game songs in general stem from the 1st generation. Even the graphics are pretty good for the time, and since it's on Gameboy, the colors of the towns change as you walk through them, it was pretty novel at the time for me.
It's a basic Pokemon game that has Pikachu up front and center for everyone to see, and that's okay. Nostalgia does hold this up for me and you can probably see why. I DID play this somewhat recently on the 3DS, thinking i wasn't gonna enjoy it as much but honestly, it's still a good time.
Definitely a must play for me, do it for the Pika!

Reviewed on May 11, 2024


13 days ago

gobbess really skimmed over "i got a brand new console for being the 100th guest to a random house"

13 days ago

@gemjaxmajoran hey when you're 10 you don't question a free game in any way, lol!