GOG Winter Sale 2022 ("Why Are You Wasting Money Again?")

A list of games I bought during GOG's Winter Sale in 2022. that came to a total of USD 15.59.

Included are the prices I bought each game at, and if I ever decided to review them, an excerpt and link to the review in question.

Price: USD 1.49, discounted 90% from its original price point of $14.99.

Why I bought it: for a dollar, a touched-up version of one of the first notable open-world games on PC fascinates me.
"Gold edition"

Price: USD 4.49, discounted 82% from its original price point of $24.99.

Why I bought it: I dunno, it looks like an okay game for five dollars, even if it's pretty derivative.

Price: USD 2.99, discounted 85% from its original price point of $19.99.

Why I bought it: much the same reason I bought Master of Shadows. It's cheap and intriguing, and I like that.
Price: USD 1.99, discounted 90% from its original price point of $19.99.

Why I bought it: Mostly because the trailer for it has stuck with me ever since I saw it ten years ago, and also the fact that it's 90% off. Like, even if the game fucking blows, I can't say that I got scammed.
Price: USD 4.99, discounted 75% from its original price point of $19.99.

Why I bought it: something about this kind of an open-world game interests me, even if the final game doesn't excite me. If I never play it, oh well, I paid five dollars for it. Whoop de doo, a burger at Five Guys costs more than double that now. Christ, our economy's fucked.


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