TimeShift 2007

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No review for this (yet), but I have to say:

I still own my copy of this on the PS3. I started to revisit this thing on my PC the other day, and I had a thought that popped up in my head that was like, 'why have you never finished this game if you like it so much?'

Here's why: as much as I enjoy TimeShift, holy shit, this game is rough around the edges. I am playing on Medium, and the game is still kicking my ass. I don't mind regenerating health, but only when it regenerates at a reasonable pace. I get that the developers really wanted you to use your time powers, and I think that's great. But holy hell, those regenerate at a snail's pace, too. The only viable option is to use slow-motion because the other two powers deplete your energy at such a rate that they're best left alone for the myriad of time-based puzzles this game throws at you. At certain points, the combat in TimeShift ends up resembling something more akin to trial-and-error than the Hong Kong cinema-inspired FEAR. Bear in mind: I have to quicksave CONSTANTLY while playing with a Mouse and Keyboard. Now, imagine this experience on a tiny controller with no experience to quickly save your game in any convenient manner.

I love the cover for this game; it looks so dope. And being able to hold the game in my hand is neat, but I don't know if I'm ever going to touch the console version of this game ever again.