"As a French studio addressing a global audience, the game does not engage in any foreign policy and is not inspired by any real-life events."

Oh no.

What's the point, then? If you're going to be telling a story through the perspective of a bodycam, should the medium not be the message?

I'm willing to give these developers the benefit of the doubt, maybe there will be more to this than that. But as it stands, that kind of statement attached to a game with a premise like this is only slightly less on the nose than EA or Ubisoft making a game adaptation of Bumfights with hyper-realistic graphics where you play as both the cameraman and aggressor and then claiming that the only bit of reality mirrored in it is that the homeless exist.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024


3 months ago

I mean, is it any different than all the other games that put a gun in your hand and send you to a warzone recreated from real life? The use of violent aesthetics for meaningless entertainment (and propaganda) has been around forever. I'd expect the worst.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

I'i don't get what you mean but I probably agree lol. I think people simply aren't used to the way this game portrays violence. It's new, unique. When you stop to think, most military shooters (that we are used to)have the same approach towards their themes. They don't want to portray the conflict with authentic nuance, but still spend resources making sure everything feels "realistic" and "gritty" to the average consumer. If you've played COD, you know what I'm talking about.

3 months ago

The Steam page for Unrecord apparently says it's meant to be a detective thriller, which is somewhat removed from the topic of police violence that its visuals hint at. Are you suggesting that Unrecord should be trying to make a statement about police violence by virtue of it being told through the perspective of a body cam? I imagine there is some sort of politics around this game internally at DRAMA, but I don't think Unrecord necessarily needs to address it if they don't want to. I don't thnk there's anything wrong with taking the cody cam visuals at face value and finding them intriguing on concept alone.

3 months ago

@HurtingOtherPPl I retract my older statement(s) because I was in a weird state of mind when I posted them and read what you were saying incorrectly. I am a doofus. I apologize.

@MeisterPear Oh yeah, I get that. I can see what you're getting at.

3 months ago

Why delete your comment? Do you not wish to be remembered? Would you rather have your legacy lost in time, like tears in the rain?

1 month ago

in reference to people bringing up it's a thriller/detective game, wouldn't that be all the more reason to add nuance and gritty real world themes that the studio specifically are quoted to leaving out? i can't imagine the "moral dilemmas" in the description would have much weight if it's going to be a completely middle of the road COD-level of desensitization.