Undeadz! is carried by its excellent depiction of desolation and not much else. It's a game that makes you ask many questions but never answers them and never gives you a good reason to think of answers for yourself. It's both underdesigned and overdesigned; the game's goal is literally just "kill all of the zombies," but there's a surprising number of mechanics that you'll probably never need to use. It all technically works, but it's rudimentary and expects you to create all of the fun for yourself. I'll give it props for being a small-scale sandbox in an era where those are a dying breed, but even the best games of that type try to curate their content a little bit. Undeadz! is, sadly, a game that gets boring quickly because it's too stubborn to try any of that. And when you're not trying to keep yourself awake, you're fighting with the controls. You use W and S to move back and forth, but A and D are never used, and you use the mouse to turn. This works pretty smoothly, but you'll occasionally hit A and D. Where things really start to shit the bed is combat. In Undeadz!, your guns and melee weapons are bound to different buttons. When you want to whack someone with a crowbar, do that with the right mouse button. When you want to shoot your gun, you click the middle mouse button. It's hard to describe, but it feels so clunky and unintuitive that it makes the already barebones combat a snooze.

I really want to give this the benefit of the doubt and say that there's something beside the art style that's good, but I got so bored playing this that I honestly can't recommend it.

(Fun fact: if you hit the Enter key while playing this game, your character starts to swim indefinitely. I'm pretty sure that this is a hold-over from when the game was being tested because trying to walk in water plays the same animation. It's baffling that it's in the game, and what makes it doubly baffling is that you can only exit it by quitting the game or reloading a save file)

Reviewed on May 15, 2022
