Essentially, the Krunker of web-based battle royales. Any subtlety about what game inspired this is thrown out the window the second you discover that one of the URLs that redirects to it is literally Zombs Royale isn't nearly as good as Fortnite: it's not as inventive with its mechanics; visually, it's kind of bland; it has big "what about me?" energy. But then you also have to consider that most of the people playing this aren't older than the age of twelve, and their access to the real deal is either limited or non-existent. As a game that you play on computers you don't own, it has a few advantages over the game you play on computers you don't own. Unlike Roblox, you don't need to install external software to enjoy this. The graphical fidelty is limited enough for it to run on just about any computer. There's only one game available, so fears of running into a game that the others around you find inappropriate are dashed. With that context in mind, this is okay? But sort of like how Krunker sold fucking NFTs for a game played mostly by middle schoolers during lunch time, Zombs Royale has microtransactions. There's the obvious, "it's a free game, they need to money to keep running it" excuse, and then there's the fact that the main target audience for this is children. Personally, I find that gross and exploitative.

Other than that, this is fine. Zombs Royale is the margarine of battle royale games, if that's what you're looking for.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2023
