I built my first PC in 2017 and wondered what game I should purchase and play. Luckily, I had some friends recommend me this series titled "The Witcher". Though I wasn't immediately interested, a steam sale happened and that's where everything changed.
Coming from console gaming I had never truly experienced true power and visuals that even a mid to low end PC could offer and upon first boot my jaw had dropped. Mind you, I only had a 1060 at the time though it was a large upgrade from my PS4.
From the beautiful landscape and unbelievable colours I knew instantly that this game would be something that I'd remember for the rest of my life (was I ever right).
The gameplay and storytelling need no explanation, I had never truly been pulled into a game like this before. Choosing your own path for certain endings was something new for me and also very intriguing. Combat was a little weird to me at first however, after a few dozen hours I finally had it down and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I could write on and on about how great of a game this was but I'd only be echoing what many people have been saying for years. I am extremely grateful to have had this masterpiece be my first ever PC game completion.
Anyone up for some gwent?

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023
