A knock-off that could have been decent with more common sense play testing.

Like the first game, this is a shovelware version of Bombuzal, also known as Ka-Blooey, with a new coat of paint. Activate bombs in the right order so you can trigger all of them without running out of tiles to stand on. It looks a lot nicer than the first game and levels are presented in different, colourful environments, which shows care being put into it and should make for a decent, if not very original, puzzler. There's only one problem: The time limit.

For some reason, the time limit in this puzzle game is so tight that you have barely enough time to solve a stage if you know what you're doing. If you need time to think, you don't get that, which defies the point of being a game about careful planning. Combined with limited lives and being sent back to the last password on a game over, this makes the game virtually unplayable if you don't already know the solutions and have them memorised.

It's a shame, because it's a numbers tweak away from being enjoyable. Unfortunately, lack of foresight causes everything to blow up.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
