PMD Games Ranked

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I honestly really loved playing through this game, check out my review for the details. It's basically like if explorers of sky was fun and didn't have filler. Plus the story is very heartfelt!
Play this game if you haven't. Use the text speedup if you really need it, but I think it forcing you to pay attention to the story is honestly a good thing.
I definitely consider this the best game in the series for gameplay, but its story was disappointing enough (being a worse version of Gates') that I like it slightly less. I consider emera and looplets to be a genius addition to the formula and I hope they return for the next PMD game.
Really fantastic remake, though still suffers from the pretty bad story, and while the endgame is great some of those dungeons are GRUELING. It kept a lot of the great mechanics from Super but didn't keep my favorite, emera :(
I definitely don't dislike this game, just liked it slightly less than the others here. It's the sort of game that I want to study though, kind of like how Pannenkoek studies mario 64 or ZZAZZGlitch studies Pokemon RBY. I want to know the ins and outs of dungeon generation and whatnot!
god i hate this game. The quality of life present in newer PMD games (holding L to access all your moves instead of just one, for example) isn't here. There is an insane amount of padding in this game too, like entire plot points that do not change the story at all (see: super apple woods, sentry duty, the first expedition). But even with all that I would probably like it more if everyone didn't worship it and use it to put down every other game in the series! If I have to listen to one more person say "Oh if you liked Gates you'll LOVE explorers" I'll turn into fucking Kyurem!!!


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