Resident Evil 4 fucking rules!

This was my first true experience with a Resi game, and I can safely say that it pretty much showed me why this game remains so revered to this day. It’s simply just…fun!

RE4 seemingly took the mechanics and foundation of the original games on PS1 and just…stopped taking itself as seriously in exchange for a much more hectic, action packed games with grotesque creatures and hordes of zombie like enemies.

This all helps to compliment the stellar gameplay. The game of course takes the limited resource management of the older titles, but with a focus on action you’ll be running all over the place trying to fight off enemies and find keys, even using Leon’s patented kicks to knock the opposition aside.

And Leon himself is absolutely delightful. I only saw glimpses of him in this game beforehand, with most of my knowledge of him being from RE2 content online. But here he’s the highlight of this game’s insane plot and really earns his special agent status he has at the start. I may be in love, but that’s beside the point.

Also, if you hadn’t noticed, my first playthrough was on Wii! This is often regarded as the best way to experience this game, and I have to agree. It compliments the gameplay swimmingly and it was super easy to break boxes with a simple swing. I may try it out on other consoles or PC at some point, but I doubt it’ll be quite as good as this.

If I had any complaints, it’d be that some sections, specifically the last portion of the Castle, were not as fun and felt kinda tacked on. Like, the game really could’ve just ended the segment there and it’d be plenty long enough, but it just padded it out in ways that, in my opinion, just felt lacking compared to most other parts of the game.

But, overall, this is still a 9.5/10 for me! Really not even a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, and I know I’ll be back to play it again at some point.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2022
