"WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOORRRR!!!" - Zero, S-Class Maverick Hunter.

Now this is the good stuff here! X4 is where the series really nailed that formula that's been cooking since the og's release back in the SNES era. The jump in quality is astounding with some good gameplay and the best roster of Mavericks to fight against! And giving Zero his own campaign, fully integrating him as a playable character after the tease from X3 allows for a shakeup in the usual Mega Man formula trading ranged Buster shots for Z-Saber combat. It was handled so well, cheesy voice acting aside. The first third of the playstation trilogy is premium Blue Bomber treat. X4 will always hold its place in my heart for the title of favorite Mega Man X game, with the original, the sequel, and eight being very close up there!

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
