"A young man with Belmont blood. He uses the Vampire Killer, a magical whip passed down in the Morris family, and is active as a vampire hunter." - Description of John Morris, one of the playable characters in this game.

Otherwise known as "Castlevania: The New Generarion" for those in the EU, the never ending quest against the Vampire Lord and his endless supply of minions makes their debut on the Sega Genesis. I first played this arcade-like on the Anniversary Collection and it is my second favorite game in that bundle besides Super Castlevania IV. The soundtrack is amongst the series greats and the colorful atmosphere stands proud with its SNES brethren in my opinion. I also like seeing more playable characters a la John Morris, with traditional whip action and a welcome newcomer in Eric Lecarde, with his equally badass spear. This game follows closely in the original's pick-up-and-play style of 6 fun stages to traverse through. Short and sweet this game may be, it is another solid entry in the Vampire Killer saga!

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
