Rise of the Tomb Raider is the sequel to the reboot series. Now, this game takes everything that made the original great and cranks it up a notch. From the fluid movement and climbing mechanics to the improved combat with more weapon options, it's clear that the developers listened to feedback and made some significant improvements.

One of the standout features of Rise of the Tomb Raider is its expansive environment. With double the amount of places to explore compared to the original, this game truly makes you feel like a treasure hunter on an epic adventure. And let's not forget about the graphics—almost identical to games released today, they really help bring the world of Lara Croft to life.

In conclusion, while Rise of the Tomb Raider may not be a perfect game, its improvements over the original and its immersive world make it a worthy sequel to the franchise.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
