This game is everything you'd expect from a Kojima game, it's highly cinematic, slow paced and environment focused, that's not to say there aren't any fast paced sections, there are a few combat scenes that can be quite thrilling. If you are a person who doesn't have patience for slow games I'd still say give it a try, I am somewhat impatient for slower games but still the atmosphere of this game simply sucked me into it and made me love it. as I said there are a few fast paced moments and they are very well placed along the game, it helps to change the rhythm a little and refresh your interest in it.
The only thing that bothered me (and that's more a personal problem I have with the game rather than an acutal problem) was that some of the events in the game are tied to kind of cutscenes, so for example (this isn't a spoiler don't worry) when you enter an area with BTs a cutscene will play that will show Sam shivering and his Odradek coming on to display where the BTs are, it's not exactly a cutscene, it's an ingame scene but it takes away player control and it only goes for a few seconds, the first few times you see it it's totally okay and fun, but eventually it starts to get dull, especially when you have to go back and forth from an area with BTs in the way. (again this is mostly me being impatient rather than an actual problem of the game)
Another thing that didn't really bothered me but I think could be done better is the cargo arranging mechanic, there is an option in the inventory that automatically arranges the cargo on your inventory, and that's extremely helpful, but I think it would be fun if there was the option of you manually arrangin it in an easy way, technically you can do that, but you'd have to keep dropping and picking your cargo back in the order you want them to stay wich isn't a very viable way to do that, so having an option to just move the cargo around in your backpack would be really awesome.
The feeling of the game though is something else, it's really easy to empathize with Sam and feel like you yourself have a responsability with the world of the game, it's weird but just by delivering stuff to people around the world you manage to feel a connection to those people, which is exactly the theme of the game.
The story also develops in a very well paced and very well construced way, you can either play around the world, delivering stuff to the bases, rush through the story and only make the necessary deliveries or something in between that and there are many different paths and ways to reach the same destination, so you are extremely free to enjoy this game however you want
With all that said, this game is super fun, very charming and really beautiful, it has it's flaws (as do everything) but to me this is a masterpiece and a must play.