Crisis Core is one of the most frustrating games Ive ever played because for 90% of the game I thought it was mediocre, and then the last 30 minutes made me cry some of the hardest tears I ever have at a video game.

This was always a game I was curious about because I always heard mixed to bad things about every aspect of it except its characterizations of Zack. After playing it, I can't help but 100% agree with those takes.

Crisis Core is a very confused game. It doesn't know whether it wants to be a prequel to the events of FF7, or its own separate story within the FF7 universe. This is a massive problem because it tries to do both, and it just doesnt work for me. I honestly really enjoyed when they stuck to just being a prequel, as the added character depth to Aerith and Cloud really made me respect and love them as characters even more. But when the game ends up switching over to being about new characters like Genesis or Hollander, I check out so hard. I don't find them interesting at all, and they sadly take up around 70% of the focus of the entire game. Angeal is a nice addition though and I thought he worked as a nice motivator for Zack.

The gameplay is also just fine. Its originally a handheld game so a lot of the design is mission based and very repetitive. The DMV was an interesting idea but I really didnt find myself paying attention to it much in combat. Honestly, there isnt really much for me to say about the combat. It is just there and its mostly boring. That is also my honest take on the music as well. Most tracks in the game are just exceptionally bland, and it sucks because Zack's theme is the most repetitive song in the entire game. I genuinely thought about muting the music multiple times.

Genuinely the only thing that kept me going through this game was Zack. When the game took away the boring Genesis or Hollander plotlines, and just focused on building Zacks relationship with characters like Cloud, Aerith, or even Angeal, I was incredibly onboard. He is an exceptional character that you can not help but root for the entire game, and its a shame his game was bogged down by so many problems.

The conclusion to his story in the last 30 minutes legitimately had me crying some of the hardest tears I ever had at a game. Crisis Core goes out of its way to both use gameplay and cutscenes to fully develop a scene that was only barely shown in the original game, and it is some of the best shit I have seen in a Final Fantasy game

It really left me yearning for a game that was that good the entire time, and not one that just felt like it was meandering and wasting its time until it needed to lock in at the end. I have yet to play the Remake or Rebirth, but I really do feel like they should spend more time with this character.

As it stands now, Zack deserves a better game.

Reviewed on May 03, 2024
