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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 6, 2023

Platforms Played


Cool game. 

My only really big issue is that combat can be kind of dull; I end up feeling like I'm not really doing anything in most combat encounters. The only time I didn't feel this was with the final boss, and that was because it was significantly harder than anything else in the game.

I wish the Spookies had more time to develop; Six probably got the most, and Yu-ichi got barely anything. This game is pretty short for a RPG, so I wouldn't have minded if the game got stretched out a bit more for some more character interactions.

But as I said, it's still cool; I love the setting. The modern setting can be really underused in RPGs, and this game does a great job with it.

The character designs in this game are all great, unique, and fun. Even one-off characters that barely have any screentime have better designs than party members in some RPGs I've played.

I now believe in Nemissa supremacy. She was the absolute highlight of the game, a good design, a good personality, and a good character arc.