I am a bit disappointed. The game started out so unbelievable strong. The characters were lively, the world was so goofy but interesting and the Setting so fun.

But then we get to the gameplay. Clunky and irritating.
For one, you have Eddy who has a bunch of different melee attacks, ranged attacks and combos.
Second, he has special moves he can use while hitting the right rythm.
Third he has followers, which he has to manage.
Fourth, he has a upgradeable car, with different weapons.

Thing is, it sounds fun, but gets really confusing the further you progress. You really have no idea what you are doing, blocking feels like sh#t and you dont know what your followers are doing. But somehow you always win.
I think they shouldve fleshed out either Eddys normal fighting moveset or the commander moveset and scrapped one of the others. But both together doesnt really work.

Anyways, it sounds like i hate this gane, but man, its just really fun, driving through this rock world with banger music in your ears and occasionally fighting stuff.

I really hope they remake this game and fix all the stuff, then it would be my GOTY of that imaginary year

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
