I haven't played many Jrpgs. I guess Nier counts but besides that i haven't played any notable ones. Xenoblade and final fantasies and the like, so this was a very good introduction to the genre. It has a level of polish that i usually don't see in the ones i've played before, there isn't really any jank so to speak of. It's slick and it plays even smoother. Just on gameplay alone it nails the look and feel that it's going for. Each character has a different gimmick to their playstyle and their personalities are all charming in their own way. The story is a tad bit basic but honestly the characters are just so fun to follow and the villains have such personality (besides the main villain in my opinion) that it doesnt matter. A very fun ride all the way through and I'd recommend it to pretty much anybody. A great way to get into the genre of Jrpgs or action rpgs or whatever it's classified as.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024
