Log Status






Time Played

30h 31m

Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

April 28, 2024

First played

April 24, 2024

Platforms Played


I had a feeling this was going to amaze me in some way but damn I was not expecting some of those moments, especially Star Door 15.
Trails in the Sky the 3rd is a significant improvement compared to FC and SC, primarily because of how well-written the Protagonist is in this game. Kevin Graham is a really interesting character about whom I was inquisitive by the end of SC and he didn't disappoint at all.
Ries the female Protagonist is also really fleshed out and has a strong dynamic with Kevin that makes the pair work (unlike Estelle and Joshua).
Most of the other characters were just returning from previous games with very little to offer and the side stories didn't make them any better for me as I already don't like those characters and one backstory isn't enough for me to suddenly start liking them (except some).
Another fact I noticed in this game was how good Estelle and Joshua are as a supporting cast. I liked Estelle and Joshua here a lot more than I liked them in FC and SC. I am now excited for how their roles are gonna play out in the next couple of entries.
Still, I've got my issues with the game, the first half of the game can be very boring as very little is going on other than Kevin's backstory at the beginning of each chapter which keeps me intrigued to know what's to come. But the chapters themselves are not very well done until the second half of the game.
Also, this is supposed to be a Love Letter for the Liberl arc, while also wrapping the remaining plot points left after SC, but it's hard to enjoy this since I never really got into the characters in the first two games so another miss for me.
Another problem might be a personal one, but I'm not a fan of the dungeon crawler aspect of this game, it got boring real quick and I just didn't enjoy much of my playthrough because of that.
Finally, Trails delivered something that I had expecting from the series since the very first game. And while it took its sweet time, if they are gonna continue with this level of character writing and well-done backstories, then I am really interested in what's to come from the later games. Hopefully, they don't disappoint me as the First two games did.