I wasn't expecting much coming into this game after my disappointment with Kiwami 1, but damn this game is good. I still like 0 more than this but some of this game's moments hit as hard as it did there.
Kiryu is at his best here, I really have started to appreciate and like his character in this game.
Ryuji Goda is an amazing antagonist and the best I've seen in any Yakuza game. Unlike the ones who hardly got any screen time in the previous games, his character was fleshed out, and every action he takes makes proper sense to his character. Plus he is just a badass dude.
Not to forget how good Kamurocho looks in the Dragon Engine, the aesthetics are perfect for a district like that, and I love the green tint that gave it the crisp look it needed.
Overall this game was everything I expected a Yakuza game to deliver and I hope they keep up with this quality in the future games as well.
The Majima Saga had one of the most emotional moments in the whole series to this point and I wasn't ready for that so my points go up because of that as well.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
