Unless you are into SUPER analyzing stuff to find hidden meanings and the truth, avoid this game, the base story is really unfocused and convoluted with some terrible dialogue, development, and annoying moments, the gameplay is janky and not fun, with some really poorly implemented mechanics, the battles drag like if it is in molasses and the whole thing can be REALLY BORING at times, there are some moments I enjoyed and the visuals, along with the music, are quite nice, but other than that, it's a pretty terrible experience.

Side Note: You probably already heard about the controversies surrounding this game, and the creator, and as someone who hated this game, I'm here to tell you that most of them were either fake or exaggerated by Twitter and hack game journalists, the creator itself didn't even mocked gamers or anything, the audio was taken out of context by a bad faith actor on the Blue Bird Hate Platform, this game is not good but let's stop spreading misinformation about an innocent Indie Dev.


Pretty good article explaining everything.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2022
