This is one of the very few games that was genuinely infuriating to me because of how much potential it had after episode 1. I absolutely loved the first game because it was a nice balance between cliché teenage angst and unique characters/storytelling. This game however goes beyond clichés and uses stereotypes to tell its "story". I am Mexican and I loved the fact that the two main characters were also Mexican. But I rolled my eyes every single time this game tried to use a stereotype scenario to create conflict in the story. It came off as an ignorant attempt at portraying REAL issues that happen to Mexican-Americans. It was just disingenuous to see.

The first episode was arguably the best episode of all of these games and it had potential to tell a really unique story. Then episode 2 followed as the worst episode of all these games. The runaway aspect that was established early was good as well but man, they fumbled so hard with all of these characters being completely unlikeable or forgettable. I think being in control of Daniel instead of Sean in this story would have made for something more interesting but not by much. The whole religious cult chapter felt so out of place for this story too. The ending was also pretty abrupt and I felt like I wasted my time with this game.

I just could not believe that a game that started off so strong became awful really quick. I'm glad True Colors was really good and put this series back on track because Life is Strange 2 is the lowpoint of this series in my opinion.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2022
