The game was really enjoyable for the most part.
The story was great and the characters were more interesting than I expected for a game this old. It made my playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3 later on much more enjoyable too.
I really enjoyed the plot of the game and that I was able to piece together the clues to work out what was going on before it was revealed in game, I also really enjoyed the twist.
I thought it was a nice touch that some characters came in pairs and you couldn't split them up (unless one died).

The biggest flaw though is the combat, specifically status ailments being way too strong. If one side is hit with mass paralysis or confusion or fear the fight is basically over, its almost impossible to come back from it.
Traps are annoying too. They are invisible to the player until detected by a thief with later sections in the game having traps placed right next to enemies so that your character will be unable to detect them (thieves will stop automatically searching for traps when in combat, you can detect them in combat but you have to actively force the thief to ignore the fight to look for traps) and many traps in the game are deadly.
Permadeath of characters was a cool idea though I never really experienced it as the few times a character did die I either lost the fight or lost a different fight shortly after and had to reload.

I did enjoy the amount of customisation available in character creation, (I didn't enjoy rolling for stats though) and I had a lot of fun playing a Female Swashbuckler Orc with 19 strength that dual wielded long swords and could turn an enemy into chunks of viscera with one blow.

Very enjoyable game overall and I recommend it to people who are fans of D&D or isometric rpgs. If you are a fan of both you've probably already played it and if you haven't you definitely should.