“I want to tell you something. Something really important.”

Sweetest Monster is a kinetic novel (a visual novel without choices). Although it doesn't have choices, which some might be looking for in a game, it does have a very intricately designed/tightly-knit story that more than made up for the lack of interactivity, in my opinion. I can't bring myself to tell you anything about the story because it is very hard to put to words without spoiling anything, much like Ebi-Hime's other works, but I will say that it leans more toward the horror genre than romance (though it arguably pulls bits from both) and that the story itself is very bold. Beyond that, the best I can offer story-wise, is pointing you toward the author's description of the game.

The artwork is beautiful, yet carries an air of creepiness to it. Meanwhile, the music is both vibrant and classical, a perfect compliment to the art (especially some of the objects that appear washed-out/antique by intended design). I also found the sound effects to be on point and fitting with the somewhat eerie theme. There isn't any voice acting, but I'm glad because I feel that it might have worked against the dark feel that the artwork and score provided, not to mention how it might have cut over the excellent soundtrack.

There are also quite a few extras: Art Gallery, Music Box, and Author's Notes. As with the other Ebi-Hime titles I have played, I found the Author's Notes to be very informative, well written, and interesting. I really like what the author set out to do, and accomplished, with Sweetest Monster. The game does indeed have uncensored nudity (I've seen questions posted about this, but couldn't figure out where to place mention of it in my review, so I chose to post it in the most ironic spot I could think of). I'd say that the VN is a bit short as it took me around 4 hours to finish, but I am a somewhat quick reader.

In closing, I found Sweetest Monster to be a more than worthwhile and thought provoking read. I would definitely recommend it at its normal price. If you are still unsure, then maybe wait for it to go on sale or pick it up as part of the Ebi-Hime Bundle when that goes on sale.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2023
