Safe to say this is my favorite game of the Persona franchise by far. Every character was likable, the narrative was amazing from beginning to end. Not to mention the OST is easily favorite to listen to on Spotify.

After doing multiple playthroughs where I fully indulge myself with each peace of content P4G has to offer, It's arguably a potential masterpiece.

Of course I had some gripes with the dungeon systems being "Okay" at best. It works fine and keeps you busy where you would be grinding to 100% the game. For a casual experience, it's something you get the hang of it rather quickly and most likely find it to be a rather repetitive sequence.

Aside from that. Turn base mechanics were managable and pretty enjoyable. Boss designs were rather interesting albeit could be frustrating at times but nothing worth complaining about regarding its difficulty.

Fair warning; 100%ing this game was so not fun. Most of the achievements were doable sure, but ones you have to keep constant tracking (i.e., Hardcore Risette Fan) made me want to blow my brains out. If you value your sanity and time, take heed of my warning and be sure to have a spreadsheet and several guides to follow so it makes life less miserable.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
