I went out of my way to get into the test for this bc I legitimately love Sumo's other racers, especially Sonic Transformed, and play way too many kart racers in general. TL;DR: It ain't great!

Evaluated purely as a kart game, Stampede is lacking. Mario Kart feels faster than this. Drifting is pretty stiff, especially when compared to SonicKart. You will need to use it at all times for turbo spam purposes, which the ridiculously wide tracks (to accommodate for all those racers) make easy. Items are exactly what you think they are. There is not a single surprise to be found anywhere in this thing from a mechanical perspective.

I suspect that's by design. I get that this is meant to be a bone stock simple kart racer for broad appeal, but its fundamentals aren't sufficiently fleshed out to allow for player expression. I mean look, I got a few wins in before writing this and I'd be lying if I said getting a #1 victory royale over 59 people who don't know how to drive sideways isn't somewhat satisfying, but the racing itself is mid at best and that dampens the whole affair.

It's in the overall structure where I slide into negatives. Battlepass, reward tracks, resources to manage, unlocks upon unlocks that are mostly cosmetic, you get the idea. Having to unlock anything to drive aside from the basic kart sucks ass. It's better than Disney Speedstorm's egregious model, but that game actually drives well!

A game for everyone is a game for no one, and I have no conception of who would love this thing.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2024
