Tyranny 2016

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This game frustrated me. At every turn it felt like I was desperately trying to enjoy it only to get turned away at every opportunity. The combat was extremely unengaging in a way I never felt with Pillars of Eternity 2 despite it being almost the same system. The ending was extrodinarily frustrating by Tunon not allying to me despite having everything done right? Dungeons were frequently a slog of boring bullshit and towards the end of the game things would frequently feel like checklists. I still do not know what this game wanted from me. I suppose I'll touch on the positives however, the world of Tyranny is incredibly engaging and interesting. Whoever imagined this world and worked to enact it did a phenomenal job. Additionally, the magic system is something I would hope is implemented in even more games as it was very fun. I had an excellent time divising different spells from core, expressions, and accents. Again an incredible job with that system. I do wish the voice acting was more frequent or at least consistent with what scenes were voice acted as in its current state which lines are voice acted are entirely random and change multiple times even in the same conversation tree. Exploration felt okay not anything extremely good or bad just kinda meh which honestly I would have liked much better if it was changed to be a bit less "heres a place to go do that!!" and more actually player decided. I've heard about comments that this game feels unfinished and I think I'd largely agree with that. Many parts felt rushed and overly expidited, but I suppose for a 17 hour crpg it is good. A major part of this game is likely the diverging pathways for replayablity, but I can't bring myself to care enough to see those pathways through.