Sea of Stars is an epic journey, which honestly quickly became one of my all time favorite games.
The story is fun and capturing and I almost cried more then once.
You really start to feel for each and every member of your party and you want to see their journey come to its conclusion and for them to achieve their goals.
The visuals are on a whole other level with a gorgeous pixel-art and an amazing level design, which makes the world come to life.
All most every second of the story was an absolute blast, and the parts that weren't, were either my own fault for not doing them when intended, but at the very end of the game as part of the completion process, or because they were incredibly sad parts of the story which made me sob with how touching they were.
The music of the game is memorable and I enjoyed listening to it throughout the game.
I absolutely wholeheartedly recommend this game to everyone, even if you don't absolutely love rpgs, its absolutely a steal at it's current price-tag and the devs deserve all the praises in the world.
I will definitely come back to this game, for another replay and probably to finish the completion process, since I already did almost all the feats in the game.

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023
