Ranking all Smash Ultimate DLC fighters based on my hype

This ranking has nothing to do with their movesets or balance. Just about how exited I was to see them in the game.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 3
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 3
Although I haven't played a lot of Banjo Kazooie. I knew what a big deal this was. And I was so damn happy to see the bear and bird enter the fight.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 11
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 11
They got a Disney character in the game. I still can't believe it. It was honestly one of the most insane reveals I've had. And I'm so happy for Sakurai that he got him in.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 2
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 2
As a massive fan of Dragon Quest XI. I was so happy to see him get in. It's the best RPG I've played. And we finally got him


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 1
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 1
Nothing beats the style of Persona 5. Everything is so fun, vibrant and stylish. I love it. So when Joker got in, I was really happy.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Piranha Plant
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Piranha Plant
I adore plant for his absurdity. Of all Mario enemies to get in. It's piranha plant. I love him extra because he is just a giant middle finger to the Waluigi fans. I love it


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 8
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 8


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 10
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 10


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 7
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 7


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 9
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 9


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 4
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 4


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 5
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 5
Probably my least favorite one. When they got revealed. I just said, oh. Another FE character.
I wasn't steaming like some other people. But I wasn't exited either. Still, they have a really fun moveset. And they aren't the worst addition of all time


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 6
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 6
Although I prefer Min Min over Byleth. The reveal was heavily ruined by saying it was an Arms character beforehand. It ruined the surprise in my opinion



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