An amazing game. I'm a massive mythology nerd, so seeing a comedic adaptation. Narrated by the most mythologically accurate Zeus I have seen is just an amazing idea. He is funny, and for a 12+ game. It talks a lot about sex (which isn't a bad thing, since it is basically all the gods do), which I respect. The story had me laughing out loud a lot, and the character design is amazing.

The combat is also great, it is mostly about stamina management. Which makes it engaging, though a bit easy with the right builds. The enemy variety is pretty lacking, but it only becomes an issue if you are going for the platinum.

The biggest issue I have is the puzzles, they are the best part of the game. And the worst. There were some great ones, but at the end. They become really repetitive. During the last of the 4 main dungeons. I was so fatigued that I dropped the game for a few months.

I started disliking the game during the post game grind. I loved the game, so I thought I'd go for the platinum trophy. Which is a big mistake. The only fulfilling post game are the quests for the gods and the four mythical bosses. Which may or may not have already been beaten before the final boss. Since you can do them whenever. After these missions, all are the game becomes is unbelievably grindy and boring. You become strong enough that no enemy is a threat, puzzles use the same mechanics, so they don't pose a challenge as well. And I was so relieved to finally be done. It left a bad taste in my mouth, and will probably be my last Ubisoft platinum.

Long story short: I love this game. It's gorgeous, funny and fun. But just stop after beating the game, the post game is lacking after beating the four mythical bosses and it doesn't offer rewards that are worth the grind

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2023
