Arcade ports of this era were all about compromise, though the greatest loss from the arcade version of Turtles in Time to the home console is one that wouldn't manifest until arcade emulation became more ubiquitous. I'm talking of course about being able to mash the insert coin button to blast "LET'S KICK SHELL LET'S KICK SHELL LET'S KICK SHELL LET'S KICK SHELL"

Of its other key differences, the only ones I really view to be detrimental are the lack of four player co-op and a general preference for the look and sound of the arcade original. Otherwise, TiT on the SNES actually makes a lot of changes I'd view as additive. New bosses, the inclusion of Mode 7, and being able to throw Foot soldiers at the screen without an element of randomization give it enough of its own identity to make it worth playing now, even with the arcade version being equally accessible.

I have a lot of fond memories of playing this back in the day, in particular going to the fairgrounds to see Grave Digger and almost peeing my pants because Grave Digger is awesome and scary, then going back to my friend's house to play Turtles in Time and check out the PS1 sample disc with the Final Fantasy VII demo on it. I now have my own copy of Turtles in Time and the very same sample disc, but pre-gaming with videos of Grave Digger on YouTube just isn't the same. Did make me pee my pants this time, though. Now i gotta see a urologist. i hate getting old

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024

1 Comment

3 days ago

i got a "tit" notification for this?