Depending on who you ask, Burning Force is either a hidden gem or mid. Maybe even bad. The bad side of mid I guess. Mid-bad? Bad-mid? I'm 35-years-old I don't know how the hell to use words like "mid"!

Personally, I love it. But at this point I think I've just come to accept that I'm a big fan of on-rails shooters in general. Easily impressed by them, you could say. I did jump into the arcade version for a bit, and it definitely has some strengths over Genesis Burning Force, but I think each is its own distinct flavor and worth checking out independently. That said, I only put serious time in with the Genesis version of the game.

Of course, this game has an 80s anime aesthetic, which I've been told is very "Weatherby core." That's another big check in Burning Force's favor, but it's also a sign that you shouldn't take me as any kind of authority on it, because I have been programmed to like it regardless of how good or bad it actually is. That's just the way it goes sometimes, but hey, at least I know what I like.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2023


I first learned about this while researching its composer, KAWAGEN. The game looks pretty fun, definitely in my arcade to-play queue. It must have been a huge upgrade for him, going from the FM-7's weaker PSG and FM-synth sound cards to these beefier chips.

1 year ago

Oh damn, he worked on Ridge Racer V's soundtrack too? Got that to look forward to, then.

1 year ago

I hate this game lol. The front cover though is a work of art.