In summary, I think that this is one of the better Assassin's Creed games. For the most people this won't be their first game in the franchise so you probably know what you're getting into. The game is very repetitive, variety in level and enemy design is non-existent and combat is pretty bad, so there is an incentive for you to get stealthy. The stealthy part can be fun at times, but is still very much superficial in comparison to other stealth games. The virtual tourism through London is fantastic as always, but the game doesn't have anything to say about the many problems of that time, which is best seen as how child labour is relegated to a random side activity. I think what made this game work more for me is the character dynamic between the Frye Twins, which I quite enjoyed, and also the main enemies that were more interesting as assassination targets.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
