Ghost Tricked.

I don't know where I went wrong but Ghost Trick is the first game in a long time where I can say I'm completely indifferent to the experience I just had. There will be no longform writeup on my end other than to commend the updated visuals from the DS original and witty humor that graces this beloved puzzle game along with some slight negations. I lost myself in the story and couldn't really be asked to care about any of the characters as I didn't find them compelling or interesting in any real sense. I'm glad others had fun with Ghost Trick but it's a game I'll probably forget, and unfortunately makes me less willing to ever place Ace Attorney.

My immersion was greatly shattered when I realized how arbitrary the four minute time allowance was on the cases, because it's not anything you have control over but rather sequence timing set by the game.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023

1 Comment

11 months ago

havent played ghost trick yet but ace attorney is epic