I did want to like this game but there are just so many annoyances packed into it that it felt hard to enjoy the good parts. The good parts are of course the aesthetic and the music which are honestly great. For a game on the dreamcast it really did age pretty well. The controls are just so clunky though, maybe if I devoted a lot more time it would feel like butter but it just felt so bad. The missions themselves aren't that fun most of the time either. Ones where you have to tag 3 different guys like 10 times each are just so annoying, plus when maps open up a little paint cans can be hard to come by resulting in some backtracking which is never fun. worst part is that these levels have time limits also so if you fail you gotta redo. So many little complaints that added up together can make actually playing the feel a bit annoying.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2021
